Hi there,

Well, this is the way I did it ..for the network part..
Both the following things:
1 small hub 8 ports Handpalm hub +/-150 $ at BB
there are cheaper onces, you know this starts with a 5 port at 75 $
4 rj45 networkcables, you get them in all sizes (didn't have to buy the, got them from 
4 ethernetadapters at 20$ eatch

and of you go...

Don't know how to share the modem except with a modemsharerbox ...
Would appriciate some info about that....

It helps when both pc have the same OS , but this is not arbitrary...
No expert in that
You need to run the correct protocoles, so why not start from the beginning with dhcp 
instead of fixed ip adresses?
Netbui and Netbios work fine to, but I prefere TCP/IP.

Price : your onthe air for 150 $
and ... a lot of configurationtime I guess...

Good luck and let us know !


From:   Pankil Richards[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   donderdag 28 januari 1999 15:47
Subject:        Small Home-Networkboundary="------------9247512334B0182A67941C13"

<<File: ATT00000.htm>>
Hello.  I would like some help/tips/pointers on setting up a very small
and >>>inexpensive<<< network for my home.

I am very new to the world of Linux (RH version 5.2)--I've only been
using it since this past December.  So far it's been dual-booting with
Win 98.  I also have a printer attached to this PC.  My second PC has
Win NT.  Both have modems.  The PC's are approx. 20-30 feet apart.  What
I would like to do is network them both to share the printer and dialup
access to the net.  I've looked through the FAQ's and How-To's etc. but
they seemed a bit advanced.

These are some the question's I have so far:

1)  What kind of connection would I need, i.e., NIC cards, cabling
type/length, compatibility with Linux and NT?  Can I connect the two
PC's through their modems?
2)  Would I need Windows installed on both, or can I have the server run
Linux and the client run Win NT?
3)  How much would it cost?  (I'm in Canada, so when you quote could you
indicate whether it's US $$$ or not.)

I'm sure I'll have more q's.

May the source be with you.
http://www.redhat.com   http://www.linux.org   http://www.skyscaper.com

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