I didn't reply to this initially because I hoped that someone more expert
than I would answer. Not seeing any other answer on the list though, I'll
try my poor best to help a bit. I've used Windows clients to accesss Linux
and other Unix servers in the past (on Win 3.1 and 95, but never 98 or NT),
but not recently, so my memory may be off a bit.

You say that when you have 2 Windows boxes, they can "connect, ping, print,
and browse"? Can you really ping between 2 Win9x hosts? If so, does this
mean you have installed the TCP/IP stack on them? If so, you should be able
to ping or telnet from a Win9x host to a Linux host. So what happens when
you try? (NOT Linux to Win9x, please; if the problem is on the Windows side,
that won't tell us anything.) If you *haven't* installed and configured a
Win9x TCP/IP stack, you won't be able to talk to a Linux host -- it's that

On the Win9x side, the basic step for TCP/IP connectivity is:  in \control
panel\network, make due the TXP/IP component is installed and has the usual
- IP address, nameservers, a binding for "Client for Microsoft Networks", a
gateway if appropriate. Add this stuff, reboot your host, and use some
telnet app (I use 
Netterm, a shareware app) to telnet to the Linux host, or try to ping it by
IP address (not name - we don't know if you have DNS working right, so why
complicate things).

Once you have basic TCP/IP working, *then* try to configure Samba. As I said
before, the simple smb.conf examples in the SMB HowTo are the place to start. 

At 07:25 AM 2/7/99 +0000, Pankil Richards wrote [excerpt only]:

>Seems like they both only like themselves!  Hmmm!  Did someone say
>proprietary code?  Ofcourse, I expect that from Microsoft.  But I guess
>Linux is only Open as long as the other systems are, let me see,

Well, you'reentitled to your opinion, of course, but I suspect your problem
is not from Linux not being "Open" (whatever you might mean by that) but
from your not following my advice from yesterday, in which I explained the
need to assign an IP address to the WinNT server before you try to ping it
from the Linux host. I can't be sure from your messages, but that looks like
the root of your difficulties.

BTW, if you haven't looked at it, the document
http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/DIAGNOSIS.html may help you in your
troubleshooting efforts.
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
762 Garland Drive
Palo Alto, CA  94303-3603
650.321.3561 voice     650.322.1209 fax          [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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