I have a problem like that too. In one of my systems at home there is a 8.5 GB harddrive. The only FDisk that could properly handle this amount was the OS/2 FDisk. I use the OS/2 bootmanager to boot into Linux, NT or Wintendo 98 (playstation).I have put the Linux partition below the 8 GB boundary and I've put a NT Data partition on the last GB of the disk. When I was installing Linux and I wanted to create the partitions (I had created free space below the 8 GB boundary), Linux FDisk told me that I had no space left to create the partition while I was sure that I should have 500MB of free space that I wanted to use for Linux Boot partition. Finally I created the partition with OS/2 FDisk and changed it with Linux FDisk to Type 83. This was the only way for me to create that partition on the disk where 8GB of partitions were created on a 8.5GB harddisk with a free space of 500 MB below the 8GB boundary.
J.H. Prins
Afd Informatievoorziening
gemeentewerken Rotterdam
Van: Bryan Scaringe[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: woensdag 17 februari 1999 21:59
Onderwerp: Re: Is this an OK system ?
> > You can mount the windows partition using the mount command or the
> > configuration file /etc/fstab in Linux, so on the Linux side you would still
> > have access to your entire disk. Also, if you are getting a new disk, it's
> > probably a labor-saver to ask that the disk come pre-configured as C: and D:
> > drives (which may be normal for large HDs at this point?), then use DOS
> > 'FDISK' to free up the D: partition for Linux. IIRC, though, it's a bad
> > idea to get a HD > 8 Gig for Linux, it may have a problem reading it. Check
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Would you be so kind as to explain why it's bad? I plan very soon to buy a
> new HD for my old 486/33. I've found a 12.7 Gig HD that I can afford, what
> problems could I have?
I had an old Pentium with an old BIOS that didn't "do" HDs over 540Mb.
I had to get an EIDE controller with a BIOS that could handle the drive.
As stated in the product manual: "This board will support EIDE drives up to 8Gig".
So, the moral of the story: If you geet a >8Gig drive, make sure you hardware
will support it.