On 03-Mar-99 Arandir wrote:
> I just got back from the Linux Expo, and it was great!
> But one thing that stuck out was KDE. It was everywhere. Virtually
> every demo running was on KDE. The only instance of Gnome I found was a
> pottery lawn-gnome asking for FSF donations. Of course, with the
> crowds, I didn't get to see every box up close.
> Does this reflect real-world linux? Or does it only reflect on what the
> vendors use? 
> Not trying to tout one or the other, just found it an interesting
> observation.

I don't think it is a reflection of the linux world.

The Linux world is pretty open to new things (why else would you use Linux):-)

The Linux world is also full of variety. Thats what makes it so great!

I prefer gnome some people like KDE and some people don't use either.


> --
> Arandir...

Date: 03-Mar-99
Time: 00:35:13

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