> ----------
> From:         Michael B. Trausch[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         27 April 1999 12:50
> To:   Maurice Hendrix
> Cc:   @MailingList: Linux-Newbie; Maurice Hendrix
> Subject:      RE: Compiling LinCity-1.11
> On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, LENGARD Pascal OCISI wrote:
> LPO>
> LPO>your C++ compiler is not installed properly.
> LPO>re-install it.
> LPO>(maybe you installed only C and C++ is missing)
> LPO>
> LPO>pascal
> LPO>
> LPO>
> I have found that sometimes, different versions of Linux seem to put the
> C++ compiler in different places.  I have a friend who started w/ Linux,
> and wanted to compile LinCity, but it failed.  So I telnetted to his
> machine and found out that the egcs C++ compiler was somewhere it
> shouldn't have been, outside of $PATH.
This does ring some bells. I now recall searching for cc1plus and finding it
buried somewhere deep inside a directory called egcs-something-or-other.

> Your best bet would be to do this on your system (as root, so that you'll
> be able to access the whole directory tree):
>       # updatedb ; locate cc1plus
> You should then be able to find cc1plus.  Then recopy it from wherever it
> sits now, to /usr/bin.
I'll make a symlink to it in /usr/bin and I'll let you know.

Maurice Hendrix

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