1. What device (/dev/ttyS*) entry is your modem on?
2. What device is your mouse on?
The mouse problem sure sounds like an IRQ conflict. That could be causing
the conection to be slow as well -- it's at least likely enough to check
before you spend time doing anything really tricky.
Assuming you are using symlinks for modem and mouse, you can check for
conflicts by running these two commands:
setserial /dev/modem
setserial /dev/mouse
If both report the same IRQ, then you have a conflict. Fix it by moving one
of the devices.
(BTW, this assumes you are still using kernel 2.0.something. I understand
that 2.2.x has a new way of resolving IRQ conflicts that permits sharing of
an interrupt.)
At 06:10 PM 4/27/99 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>ok, i fixed the problem with the modem disconnecting after awhile, but my
>connection speed is painfully slow. In redhat5.2, preferablly in X, how can
>I determine my connection speed and what might I change to speed it up? Also,
>in netscape navigator, it keeps saying down in the status bar that it has
>stalled and when i click or move the mouse it seems to resume. whats that?
>someone please help, like i said before, the current speed is just painful.
>p.s.: Thanx to all those who responded to my previous query...
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo
762 Garland Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94303-3603
650.328.4219 voice [EMAIL PROTECTED]