I'm looking for a good site that gives a listing of all the video cards
compatible with Redhat 5.X, does anybody know of any up to date


JD Durick
Lockheed Martin, Vertical Launching Systems
Baltimore, MD

> ----------
> Sent:         Wednesday, April 28, 1999 3:52 PM
> Subject:      Re: How to set the Path
> On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, Einar Sundgren wrote:
> > I recently upgraded the glib and gtk+ libs to version 1.2.2 and
> > encountered soon problems the first thing is that gtk could not find
> the
> > new version of glib-config because it is placed in /usr/local/bin and
> my
> > path doesn=B4t reach there It was solved with a simple symlink from
> /bin =
> so
> > far easy to solve.
> >=20
> > I the installed gtk+ but there i found out that the path for lib files
> > didn=B4t pointed to /usr/local/lib either. I looked at gtk.org in the
> faq
> > and was told to edit the path in ld.so.conf and it should then work but
> > it doesn=B4t seem do  to do so,  i get the error could not find
> > libgdk.something.o.1.2   the files my programs requests are in the
> > /usr/local/lib directory so the do exist the only problem is my path.
> How
> > do I do ??? I know i could reinstall them in /usr/lib but i=B4d prefere
> n=
> ot
> > to )
> You need to run ldconfig after you change ld.so.conf.  And heed any
> diagnostics you get. :-)
> Lawson
> =09  >< Microsoft free environment
> This mail client runs on Wine.  Your mileage may vary.
> > (I also tried to edit crontab, for the /usr/local/bin files and it
> didn=
> =B4t
> > work eithe)
> >=20
> > /Einar
> >=20
> >=20
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