Peter Flinkfelt wrote:
> Hi everyone got everything going, so far. :)
> 1) Why is it I can read mail under Netscape Communicator, when I have
> yet to coinfigure sendmail,  or any other mail deamon ???? I have an
> idea that this utilized it's own smtp 'deamon' but it is not exactly a
> deamon.  Is this correct or are these deamons starting to talk to me?

I'm assuming you are talking about mail "from the outside".  It works
because SMTP is only used to communicate between mail servers.  You are
running a mail client and are most likely using POP3 to talk to the mail
server at your ISP.

> 2) I found a command under /proc called cpuinfo. When I run this it
> gives me a Processor ID #. Does this have anything to do with the Intel
> key escrow # ??? The processor is a Pentium 100 out of a Packard Hell,
> from around 1996.

I don't have anything labelled "Processor ID", but I do have something
called "Processor"--and it's 0.  I'm guessing this is used on SMP
machines--i.e. this is the cpuinfo for processor 0.  Mine is a PII 350,

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