Why not? I just checked, going from one of my Linux hosts to the other, and
I could use telnet to identify these ports: ftp, pop3, smtp, lpd .

If you are logged into the host in question, the suggestion someone else
already made -- netstat -- is also a solution.

At 08:09 PM 5/11/99 +0530, Nayan Jain wrote:
>In Unixware i used to telnet to a particular port to find out what service
>it is running.
>eg. telnet <server ip address> <port no>
>UNIX PROMPT>telnet 21 
>It will start as an ftp service and i can interpret that ftp service is
>running on this port.
>How can this be done for linux. As i m not able to do the same.
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
762 Garland Drive
Palo Alto, CA  94303-3603
650.328.4219 voice                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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