On Wed, 12 May 1999, Jarmo Paavilainen wrote:

> Hi,
> Im trying to port a small software to Linux (nothing fancy, but I need it).
> Everyting works great (gcc, make and so on).
> But....Linux gcc does not have following commands:
No.  Neither does libc, which is probably what you meant to ask.

>       findfirst(...)
>       findnext(...)
>       findclose(...)
> Does Linux (or should I say Posix) know these command, if so where are their
> header (and body)?
They are not in the posix standard.

> If not, is the only way to solve what Im doing to use opendir, readdir and
> closedir and do my own joker char filtering?
I don't know what find[first|next|close] do, but probably yes.  You might
also want to look at scandir (although that is not posix).



I do enjoy a good long walk -- especially when my wife takes one.

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