Hey! Did you see what Daniel Knapp wrote on May 29 ?

DK> I want to zip a directory with many subdirectories in it but if I use zip
DK> only the current path is zipped. Is there a way to zip it recursively?
DK> I've read the man pages but they don't help me in that way.

        I just had a look at zip's man page, it does look a tad confusing.
But there does seem to be a recursive option (-r).

        You could use tar/gzip or tar/bzip2 if you can't get your head
around zip...

        tar -cvzf foo.tar.gz /foo/

        tar -cvyf foo.tar.bz2 /foo/

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ICQ: 34307457
|                                __                      |
|Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __|
|There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ /|
|                             /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\|

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