According to Mike Zodun: While burning my CPU.
> I have tried numerous times to install X on a box running Slackware 4.0 and
> cannot seem to get it to work. I know the monitor specs and the video card
> is a Alliance Promotion 6422. I have tried a few configurations and
> everytime I get the server to load, it freezes within a few seconds. I have
> tried the specific card settings as well as a generic SVGA server, and the
> same errors occur. I even tried running Redhat 5.2 and the server also
> froze immediately. Has anyone else encountered an error such as this and/or
> know of a way that I could possibly get a working X server? Please help.
How can we help you!, if you do not supply error messages produced when
starting X. ??????
A small tip;
Try using xf86config instead of Xconfigurator XF86Setup etc...
Your card is supported and is named in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards so there
should be no problem.
> Mike
Regards Richard.