You probably are getting error messages, just not where you can see them.
Try starting X with a line like this one:

startx >errors 2>&1

This will redirect STDOUT and STDERR output to a file. With luck, the file
will actually write to disk before the system hangs, and after you reboot,
you'll be able to see what the messages were.

If that doesn't work, try running X in probe mode -- I think "startx
-probeonly" will do this.

BTW, how much memory and how much swap space do you have on the system? What
is the output of "free" just before you run startx? What type and speed of CPU?

Also, can you be a bit more precise about *when* it hangs -- your first
message said "after a few seconds", your second "is loading" -- distinctions
like that matter when troubleshooting.

At 09:02 AM 6/18/99 -0400, Mike Zodun wrote [in part]:
>>According to Mike Zodun: While burning my CPU.
>>> I have tried numerous times to install X on a box running Slackware 4.0
>>> cannot seem to get it to work.  I know the monitor specs and the video
>>> is a Alliance Promotion 6422.  I have tried a few configurations and
>>> everytime I get the server to load, it freezes within a few seconds.
>I understand your frustration with me, but there is no error message... when
>X loads (or is loading, when I see my initial desktop) it freezes.

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA  94303-3603                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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