Still stripping keepable data from this machine while waiting Linux
stuff to come in and try install. I have been reading along to see
what the general problems I may come up with on the Linux install
Being totally ignorant about Linux and the assorted "distributions" I
have began to wonder about something that maybe someone could
enlighten me about and save me from making a bigger mess than I
usually do when breaking new ground.
Say ABC company has a distribution with kernel and XYZ company
has a distribution with the same kernel. On the distribution CDs each
company has different "optional" programs such as word manipulators,
e-mail, usenet, web browsers etc.
Would the programs from one company run on the system set up with the
other companies distribution and installation assuming the kernels
were the same version number?
Is there any effort to make the newer kernel "backward compatible"
with previous kernels? As would a program written for kernel
"probably" (maybe "should") run on kernel
I have noted that various "commercial distribution packages" each
extol the super greatness of their individual package. Within the
trade is there a tendency for each company the "quirk" their
distribution so that only their distributed programs will work on that
installation and work only with that distribution or would the
software be easily transportable?
Thank you for any enlightenment you may offer.
Charles Camp