I have ordered the Linux Mandrake Venus PowerPak and that has KDE as well as
GNOME.  And I will be wiping my RH5.2 setup and installing this one.  How
does GNOME compare to KDE?  I intend to develop for the Linux platform so am
I better to develop for GNOME (which aims to allow ease of use for desktop
users - i.e. competing against M$ OSs which I am all for!) or for KDE?  Does
anyone have any views to add?

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Kervin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matt Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 29 June 1999 03:47
Subject: Re: GNOME

> You definately don't want to use the gnome on Redhat 5.2 CD.  A lot has
> been done stability wise since.
> download from http://www.gnome.org mirror instead.
> If you need specific help let me know.
> later,
> Kervin
> Matt Davies wrote:
> >
> > I am running RedHat 5.2 and I'm interested in GNOME and the direction
> > going.  Is this a replacement for X-Windows, a sort of Linux-only GUI
> > system, or does it lie on top of the X-Windows Server.  Also I cannot
> > out how to get it going.  I thought GNOME was available on RH5.2.  Can
> > anyone help me on how to get it going?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Matt.

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