On 7/6/99 at 7:47 AM Ray Olszewski said:

>1. It can take a Linux system quite a while to boot. Several minutes isn't
>impossible. It depends on the specifics of your hardware and what
>the system is starting up as part of the boot process. 2 or 3 minutes
>too long.

The main reason this concerned me is because I have installed Red Hat 5.2
and Slackware 3.6 before (never gotten around to Debian) and neither one of
then took more than a couple of minutes max to get to the login prompt! 

>2. The sendmail delay is probably a DNS problem. sendmail is trying to get
>information from a nameserver and can't find it. Without knowing more
>how you set up sendmail and DNS, I can't be more specific.

I'll solve this problem tomorrow since I'm planning on re-installing things
and leaving that one and a few other items out. They are no use to me since
I have a Winmodem and Linux doesn't like them very much! 

>3. startx should give you a colored screen in under 30 seconds (how fast
>depends on how fast your machine is). "something about authority something
>or other" is not an error message I can intepret, so I can't give you
>specific advice about what to do. As a general rule, if you want help with
>errors, you need to tell us the EXACT error messages.

Yes, I'm aware of that rule, but I didn't take the message as an error
message, but after five minutes and nothing but a blank screen and the
three finger salute didn't work, figured something had to be wrong! :-)
Plus I thought maybe that message was normal for the first running of this
flavor of Linux! <shrug>  Oh well, back to the drawing board as they say!


Charles R. Buchanan

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