I am the person who sent you the prior request to "give more detail". 

If I follow your expanded description, the following things are true:

1. If both hosts A and B are running Win95, each can find the other.

2. If host A is running Win95 and host B is running Linux, each can find the
other. (This is what I understnd you to mean by: "I can also in one of them
use the other in linux as a file server.")

3. If host A and B are both running Linux, host A cannot find host B.

If I have it right, you almost surely have networking misconfigured on host
A running Linux. With that machine in Linux mode, run "ifconfig" and "route
-n", and compare them to the output of the same two commands on host B. 

The "ifconfig" outpt should show an eth0 interface on each host. The IP
addresses should be different (ideally, the same as the ones you use in
Win95/98 modes), with the same netmask and broadcast address. 

Each should have a route to the other, reported by "route -n".

Hope this helps. If you can't interpret the output of ifconfig and route,
feel free to port it (for both hosts).

At 10:12 PM 7/20/99 -0400, Eric P. wrote:
>I've asked this  question part of a list of questions
>before but I got a request to give more detail. So here it
>is in full technicolor glory.
>The problem is that one of the computers can't recognize
>the network at all when running linux. They're both in dual
>boot. In win95 and 98 they both recognize each other and
>can communicate. I can also in one of them use the other in
>linux as a file server.
>The problem is when I try to ping the other it always gives
>me either the error network is unreachable or I get a 100%
>packet loss.
>There is nothing between the 2 comps. they are directly
>connected through two Ethernet3 3 com cards using cat 5
>My two computers are both running RH 5.2.
>One of them is a 166 Mhz P1 with 32 mb of ram and a 2.5 gig
>HD (This one has the problem  in linux)
>The other is  a P2 350 128 mb of Ram 6.4 gig HD 1 gig given
>to  linux.

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA  94303-3603                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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