at the command line run
startx > 2> startx.err file will have the standard information
startx.err file will have the standard errors
you could also put it in a small shell script like
startx > /tmp/ 2> /tmp/startx.err
put the above in a file name something like startx_getinfo
do a chmod 755 startx_getinfo
the run the script like this
You can also redircet this infor to a virtual console, on my system at home
I got a script that looks like this
startx > /dev/tty9 2> /dev/tty9 &
I had to change the premission on /dev/tty9 so a normal user could write to it.
With the script above it will start X and push all it's output to the nineth
virtual console (ALT-F9) and put X in the background. It is kinda neat because
all the infomation is there if we need it, do an ALT-F9 to see it, plus when
you change from X to console (Control-ALT-F'N') it will have free the VC that
X was started on.
> Dear All
> I have a problem starting X. What I would like to do is send the output
> from startx to a file so I can examine it later. How do I do this??
> many thanks
> Paul