Don't mean to cause any clutter.... I sent this a few days. Been
fiddling with PC and seem to have loss my email 

Your help is appreciated

Well folks..
Thanks for the assistance on how to boot-up from my hard drive!! I'm in
the process reading all the suggested material before make any changes.

In the meantime, I've been trying to implement mgetty so that I can my
PC form work.  I've added the line "mdm:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS1"
(minus the quotes) to my inittab file.  When I initialize so this line
can be executed, I get a problem connecting to my ISP. 

I get an error to effect that ppp0 does not exit on my system. If
comment out the mdm:23:.... line and re-initialize, I can connect to my
ISP just fine... 
what is wrong with my mgetty line pray tell....


Chris Job
"when excellence is available, good is not enough"

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