Well, it would appear that I have solved the kernel CDROM blindness 
problem with my DFI P5BV3+ mobo.  I reconfigured my hardware this 
evening, putting the CDROM drive on the primary controller as a slave and 
putting my Linux system on its hard drive as the master on the secondary 
controller.  The BIOS still doesn't assign an IRQ to the secondary 
controller, but at least Linux recognizes the drive and can boot from it 
using a floppy.

Morale of the story:

- Don't bother with DFI motherboards, at least the P5BV3+, if you have 
more than one hard drive and a CDROM drive.

- Attach your drives so that the CDROM drive is the slave on the primary 
controller.  other drives should follow on the secondary controller.

- Read Documentation/ide.txt if you have an ide question.

- Don't give up.  There is more than one way to skin a cat (and if you 
are skillful, it may look like a rabbit).

BTW, my BIOS still does not assign the secondary controller an IRQ and it 
refuses to recognize my WDC Caviar 32500 drive on the secondary 
controller.  (Fortunately, Linux is smarter than my BIOS.  Chalk another 
one up for Open Source!)


                 T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
Custom reconciles us to everything.  -- Edmund Burke

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