David Rysdam wrote:
> Richard Adams wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Is there a way to change the From:
> > > and Reply-to: feilds in ELM?
> >
> > I dont know about the From field, that would be a security issue and would
> > possably contravine some or other protocol...
> I don't know if you can do this with Elm, but internet emails have no
> restrictions (technologically or in the RFCs) on what you can put in the
> From/To/etc fields.  This information isn't actually used by the MTAs to
> deliver mail.
> > ...look at it this way, if we all
> > could do that, we could send bogus mail and create havoc everywhere.
> Yep, this is exactly how spam is sent.  That's how you can get an email
> with a To: field of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but still have it
> magically delivered to your mailbox.

For the record I'm not a spammer, I'm a spam-ie.  I got 2 work email
on is on the local ethernet and the other on a about ~700 miles away
connected with a 2 56K channel dedicated line.  I telnet to the one on
the local ethernet, since there is virtually no lag, 10Mb/Second is 
pretty fast for telnet, the other lags alot.

I give every one the "slow" email address, and forward it down here so I
quicker access to it.  I run procmail from here that gets rid of alot of
spam.  I want to have ALL my email appear from the "slow" server so that
no one
knows my virtually spam free one.

Use the "slow" one as a spam sheild *SPLAT* :)

> Furthermore, all of this is extremely easy to do given about 45 minutes
> of study time with the appropriate RFCs (SMTP in particular).

That or telnet to mail.server.com port 25 and type help and learn it in
2 mintues :)
> --
> My public encryption key is available from
> www.az.com/~drysdam/crypt/rysdam.gpg.html
> and of course www.keyserver.net

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