On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, ^Mr^ wrote:

> i'm using slackware 4.0 & windowmaker ..
> is there a way i can put licq in my ip-up so that whenever i start ppp ,
> it starts too ?

If you are using X (which I assume you are since you say you are running
windowmaker), it might be as simple as adding:
xterm -display :0 -e licq &
to ip-up.  If this doesn't work, it will still be possible, it just might
be more complicated.

>  i tried adding the line " licq " in ip-up , but it
> didn't get started .. should i do something like licq > /something .. (
> to my wm window ) ..
licq needs to be running on a (virtual) console, so something like that
will not work.

> ps .. i added the line echo " test " > /dev/tty0 in ip-up and it worked

echo doesn't care what it is talking to since it doesn't do anything
'clever' to the console.

> why are the echo's in ip-up directed ( > ) to /dev/tty0 ? does tty0 show
> the msg to everyone ?


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                -- Nate Harris, 1775

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