> dear newbeez,
> now i really need to make my linux partition bigger, but i still want to wait a
> few weeks to delete the windows part. anyone knows how to move the
> partition-wall?
There is no way to move the partition wall, however just use linux-fdisk to
delete the dos partition snd redfine it as linux-native, you then can make a
ext filesystem and edit /etc/fstab to mount the drive under a name you
spesifie, ie, new.
fdisk /dev/hdx where hdx is the drive a b c or d.
p shows the partitions.
say 4 is dos.
issue the command d
then 4
then n
you will then be asked;
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4):
2 for the second partition.
define the size
use w to write the allocation table, no data will be lost on other
an entry in etc/fstab
/dev/hdx2 /new ext2 defaults 1 2
x is the drive letter a b c or d.
Dont forget to create a directory.
mkdir /new
> i use redhat 6.0
> and the other one is win98
> mek
Regards Richard.