On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Jean-Louis LeTortorec wrote:
> I'm trying to compile kstocks. The ./configure works fine but when I do a
> 'make', I get the error: /usr/lib/qt/moc: Command not found'.
> Do you know what file/utility is that? and where I could download it?
> (looks like it's used by *.moc files)

Make is looking for the meta-object compiler (moc). This is part of Qt, and it
is a sort of preprocessor for the Qt macros of emit(), slot, and signal. It
should have come with your Qt library. However, it is "usually" under
/usr/bin/moc, or .../qt/bin/moc. Where it is depends on whether you compiled
Qt yourself (probably not if you're getting this error), or got it as
precompiled package. If it is a rpm or deb package, check to see where the
files were installed to. When you find it, make sure it is part of your path.


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