Here's the setup:

     internet --- eth0(x.x.83.1) FIREWALL eth1(x.x.83.2) --- network

I'm just setting this up now. All my computers are in transit and I only
have the firewall box. The question is, will the following routing table
work? So that stuff going to, say, 83.100 from my firewall box will go via
eth1. I saw some examples of routing across the same segment with multiple
hosts in each segment, and in that case it appears that the table has to
be entirely host-based, rather than based on the network address.

x.x.83.2  * UH    0      0        0 eth1
x.x.83.1  * UH    0      0        0 eth0
x.x.83.0  *   U     0      0        0 eth1 *       U     0      0        0 lo
default   gw         UG    0      0        0 eth0

Now, for all the other boxes, is the default gateway the same gateway as
the firewall box (and so the firewall box just passes the packets over
from eth1 or eth0)...or should it be 83.2?



 Some experience of popular lecturing had convinced
 me that the necessity of making things plain to
 uninstructed people was one of the very best means of
 clearing up the obscure conrners in one's own mind.
         T.H. Huxley (Man's Place in Nature)
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