On 22 Aug, SoNiC wrote:

>       I was wondering if there is anyway to share an internet connection
> between a linux machine and a machine running win98?  I'm looking for something
> equivalent to Wingate in for linux.  My thanks in advance for any help offered.

Yes, it's called IP Masquerading. You need to have it (and a few other
options) compiled in your kernel. In my case I have had my Linux box
dial in and my Daghters computer (running Windows 3.1) is linked to
mine. When she gets on the net, the packets appear to be coming from the
Linux box's dynamic IP address assiged from my ISP.

If you have a recent version of pppd the Linux box will dial in when it
gets the packets from the Windows box "on demand".

Check /usr/doc/Linux-mini-HOWTOs/IP-Masquerade if you have the how-to
docs installed on your Linux box.

Scott Felton
Slackware Linux v3.6

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