Anthony Penzinski / =?big5?B?pnexZaW/?= wrote:
> How does one go about it? Do I have to create some file structure on the
> floppy? I formatted a floppy with KDE's Kfloppy to ext2fs format. I
> haven't been able to figure out how to copy anything to it yet...:-(
> Thanks for your help!
Before you can copy anything to the floppy, the file system on it must
be "mounted". Try this:
mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt
that will attempt to mount the floppy as an ext2 type file system, under
the directory '/mnt' . Then copy the files you want to the /mnt
directory like so:
cp >filename< /mnt
You can the do:
ls /mnt
To see what is on the floppy. When done, and *before you pop the floppy
out* do:
umount /mnt
This unmounts the floppy and frees up /mnt for use. Hope this helps
(BTW, most distributions only allow root to mount/umount. This can be
changed, but that is another story...)
Bob L.
Genuine E-mail From the Land of the Everlasting Icicle...
Bob Liesenfeld