On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Pieter Wenk wrote:

> I am using knews as NR. Nice working tool. Could somebody however tell
> me the following:
> A) Is there a possibility to select a font somewhat bigger. Wearing glasses,
> something bigger could be helpfull.

How is your X configured ? If you are running at a somewhat higher
resolution, the default font preferences are wrong. Have a look at
/etc/XF86Config or /etc/X11/XF86Config . Somewhere near the top there
should be some "FontPath" entries. Make sure the 100dpi ones are placed
before the 75dpi ones. Not sure if it helps with knews, but it does with
netscape, Tcl/Tk, ...

> B) When tagging threats, it counts properly the tagged, but how can you
> arrange, that it will select the hot ones, obviously in relation with to be
> followed subjects (threads).

no idea

> Many thanks for your help
> Regards
> --
>                            / /  (_)____ __ ____  __
>       Pieter Wenk         / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Vevey/Switzerland
>                          /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\



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