HI All,

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, R. Nelson wrote:

> The problem may not be parity.
> Also, if you are using EDO 72 pin RAM, a few 486 boards support it, but most
> don't.

Just by looking how do I tell EDO Ram from other's?

> I've never seen a 486 motherboard that supported either a 3 volt CPU or 72
> pin SIMMs that required parity RAM.  In fact, I can't recall ever seeing a
> 486 socket 3 board that did.  And I've seen many 486 boards come and go....
> Try running it with 72 pin RAM only and see what it does...

Ok, this board is giving me more and more problems. To start.. I had it up
and running with 4mb ram (4x 1mb 30pin chips). Needing at least 8mb for
Linux I added 8mb ram (2x 4mb 72pin chips). Tried to boot.. nada.  So as
I was told on the lists I first took out the 30pin chips.. boot... nada.
Then I took out the 72pin chips and returned it to the way it was, ie 4mb
ram. Now when I boot I can hear the HD working and so on. But the video
does not work. I've tried three different cards and three different
montors. Any ideas?

BTW, about manuals, yes one sure would help. Without seeing the boot
screen I don't know the number. But looking at the board I see an award
bio chip with two numbers on it "4542205" is printed on the chip and "AD.11-1"
is on a sticker on the chip. Does this mean anything?
Also on the board is two chips with "PerComp" printed on them. The larger has 
"HT83C191A" and the smaller has "HT83C193A" on it. 


(Junker) Jim Hatridge 
Proud Linux User #88484
                     Junker Jim's Beowulf Project
               Looking for giveaway computers and parts
                           I need it all!  
                   Email Junker Jim for details on 
          how you can help build a poor man's super computer.

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