I've added a line to my /etc/fstab
/dev/fd0/mnt/linuxfloppy/ ext2 user,noauto,rw,exec 0 0
I did this to allow myself to access floppies I have formatted (using kfloppy) as 
ext2fs with "full" checked (as opposed to "erase")
When I try to access one of these floppies by typing at a command line <mount 
/mnt/linuxfloppy> I g hear the floppy drive begin to spin, but then get an error 
message to the effect that either there are too many filesystems mounted (not true, I 
can <mount /mnt/ floppy> for a dos floppy), of bad block, or wrong file system.
Anyone have any ideas???
Toshiba laptop 490CDT
COL 2.2 kernel 2.2.5

I can still access floppies rright out of a box (PC formatted) by using <mount 

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