On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Koliya N Pulasinghe. wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have downloaded Xfree86 3.3.5 source code to install on my 400MHz,
> 128MB RAM machine which has a SiS5595 Chipset with SiS620 Video
> chip(I think so..).
> But I never found a compilation instruction to compile that source code.
> I greatly appreciate you, If you could send me the instructions to install
> this in my machine.

I'm assuming you've uncompressed the archives, if not then look up tar and
in the directory xc/ there is a file called INSTALL.TXT which explains it
in quite a bit of detail.

PHUAE / S.A.Penny@(dcs.)Warwick.ac.uk (E)TLA page www.warwick.ac.uk/~phuae/
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