You use IP Masquerading to do a form of Network Address Translation (NAT).
The IP Masquerading HowTo is excellent and should tell you everything you
need to set this up on RH 5.2. Find the latest version of the HowTo at, the Linux Documentation Project.
What hardware you need depends on how you connect to the Internet. If you
use a modem, for example, the modem connection plus an Ethernet card on the
Masq'ing server will do the job. If you connect to the Internet via an
Ethernet card (to a DSL or cable-modem box, for example), you probably want
2 Ethernet cards -- one for the external connection, the other for the
internal/LAN connection (you can do both onone NIC, but this raises some
security problems, possibly some performance problems, and makes the setup a
bit more intricate).
At 12:55 PM 10/29/99 +0800, Jona Villanueva wrote:
>i have one valid ip address, but i have several pc's that i want to
>have network access. i am planning to setup a network address translator
>so that they all have network access(ftp telnet etc). how do i set up that
>kind of service? what are the hardwares needed? i am using redhat-5.2.
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo