On mar, 09 nov 1999, Cristian Carnutu wrote:

>Trying (a mistake) to stert StarOffice from the command line I got a
>message like : X environment not defined
>It means, if I define somehow the X and start it, I can run StarOffice
>without a big desktop. So I need less memory.
>StarOffice is itself quite a desktop. This is the reason they say
>"Everything in the same place".
>Question: How can I start X without desktop or only with an X terminal
>to make the command to start Star?
>Or directely in Star in runlevel 5  ?

To my knowledge that's "not" possible. S.O. needs
the X-environnement...Bear in mind, this is not a

                           / /  (_)____ __ ____  __
      Pieter Wenk         / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Vevey/Switzerland
                         /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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