On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Cristian Carnutu wrote:

> John Marr wrote:
> > 
> > This might be a little off topic, but I have an IBM 8513 15" monitor and
> > the tube is starting to go.  Does anyone know where I could go to get this
> > fixed cheaply? Does anyone know where I could find info on this model? I
> > went to IBM's website, but this model number is not listed.
> Hi,
> How do you know the tube is going? How is the image ?
> When the tube is going you have less contrast and the screen is darker.
> If you are good in electronics you can make something yourself:
> Increase the electric tension on tube from 6.3 Volts to 6.8 Volts and
> you can use the monitor another 1 year or maybe more. You can increase
> the tension by replacing the rezistor linked in series with the
> monitor's...(how do you call in english the thin wire making light in a
> bulb)with another one of smaller value (Ohms).
> Maybe you find a friend to do this. 
> Warning: in some places inside the monitor the tension is 20000Volts and
> you can die.

The high voltage to the CRT (up to 30000 volts) probably won't kill you
since the amount of current it can supply is limited, but the shock can be
quite painful. Moreover, this HV capacitor will retain a dangerous charge
for days or longer, even when the set is off. 
The lower voltages of hundreds of volts (line voltage) are far more
dangerous since they are not current limited.
you may look at http://www.repairfaq.org - excellent pages, lots of info.


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