On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Herman Aa wrote:
>I just installed RH 6.0 Linux. Custom installation, default choices.
>It made a rescue diskette for me.
>I installed Lilo on the bootpartition (not in the mbr).
>I used the rescue diskette to start.
>It says on my screen:
>boot: linux
>Loading linux
>Error 0x10
>boot: linux
>Loading linux
>Error 0x10        ..... repeated until reset.

This indicates a bad floppy, however it could be more,.

Check your bios settings for the H/D  eg; make sure that windows
has not alterd the cyls, heads and sectors count by way of making it
a LBA disk for example, linux will normaly see the whole disk
eliminating the need for the LBA option.

Have you tryed booting from the normal boot floopy found on the
distribution source, i belive redhat allows the following at the lilo

mount root=/dev/hda1

"/dev/hda1" is an example make sure you define the correct partition
where you installed the "root" file system which is mounted as "/"

In these curcumstancies it could be desireable to have LILO on the
MBR. Remember that lilo saves the old mbr before overwriting it
allowing you to use 'lilo -u' to replace the old mbr if things dont go
It saves it to /boot and its called boot.0.X00 where X is the device.

>I recently installed WIN98-second-edition. Could this be the problem?
> Using MSDOS 6.22 I do not get access to the harddrives.
> Typing C: or D: (after using boot-diskette MSDOS 6.22) results in
> error. The drives are not there. Apparently hidden by WIN98.... how
> can this be defeated?
>Would this solve my Linux error 0x10 ?
>---Herman Aa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>From a mountaintop on Cebu island, Philippines.
Regards Richard

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