I've bought a new 13 Gb. Maxtor hard drive and I was trying to share it
among Linux and Windoze.
I plugged my new HDD as secondary master so my actual hardware stays as
Primary master: My old 3.5 Gb. hard disk.
          -> 1.7 Gb. for Windows.
          -> 1.8 Gb. for Linux.
Primary slave: My generic Cyberdrive CD-Rom.
Secondary master: The NEW Maxtor 13 Gb. HDD.

When I asked BIOS to "Detect IDE" the BIOS found just... 8 Gb for the
new HD, with the proper number of cylinders, heads and sectors. I have a
1998 TX-Pro motherboard supporting a Penthium 233 MMX processor (too old
hardware for a 13 Gb. HD???).

Windows fdisk just "saw" the unsufficient 8 Gb. I made two partitions of
4 Gb each with dos-fdisk.

But running "fdisk /dev/hdc" under linux for re-partitioning the new HD,
linux could "see" the complete 13 Gb and it seems I could succesfully
make new DOS and Linux partitions in this new hard drive. !?

The questions are:
1. Working in such environment: maybe harmful for my hardware/software?
I mean: can I make any damage to my Motherboard or to any hard drive?
Will I loose suddenly some info/partitions without warning?

In case no damage will be done:
2. Shall I be able to install Linux in my new hard drive, being a
SECONDARY MASTER, provided that lilo will be in the MBR or /dev/hda and
"/boot" will be in the 1st. cylinder of the secondary master? And
leaving the primary master for Windows?

Just in case I will be able to install fully linux on /dev/hdc (without
/boot in /dev/hda):
3. Can I just "copy" my whole linux system from /dev/hda3 (/dev/hda2 is
swap and /dev/hda1 windoze) to /dev/hdc1, making the proper changes in
/etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab and running lilo?

Sorry for so many questions.
José Albores - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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