Hello. I have a mounted disk on /mnt/mp3. In my /etc/fstab I have the line: /dev/hdc4 /mnt/mp3 vfat defaults 1 2 I want to let my user to read/write from/to /mnt/mp3 How can I do that? Thank you in advance. -- Daniel González Gasull __.---. "Those who quote me are mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] /__|6\ ) fools." PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69 `-\_/ / -- Confucius jgs ,) (, // \\ _______{(_____)}__ ""|||"" ________________________________________________________________ < "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad > < "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~