On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 02:04:21AM +1030, John wrote:
> I've just setup my system to allow my wife to telnet to my machine and
> start a PPP connection.
> She doesn't like having to remember to type in the & character after
> executing the script. If she doesn't do this then she breaks the
> connection when she closes her telnet application which is the default
> win98 telnet program.
> Is there any way i could force the script which starts PPP to go into
> the background without the & on the command line ?
You could write a little wrapper script to have her invoke, that goes
something like this.

nohup pppscriptname > /dev/null 2>&1 & 

And have her run that instead of the actual ppp script
Then the program will run uninterrupted in the background, and you'll
be set even if she logs out.

have fun



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