On Mon, 24 Jan 2000,  Liz Dunbar wrote about,  hdb exists - now what?:
> 20GB second disk is installed, fdisk'd according to directions (we
> thought.)We thought we made 12GB and 8GB partitions, but  dmesg says hdb
> unknown partition table. What did we do miss? What do we do next? (Server
> still works.)

It would seem you did not follow the instrctions, you possably forgot the
w(rite) command.

Anyway dont mount the disk, use fdisk /dev/hdb again.

firstly issue the m = help.
then p = print partition table, is it shows nothing then you did sommat
wrong the first time.

But why make partitions so large, its considered beter to make smaller
partitons that willl allow you to use the disk more freely around the
I would suggest parttions from 1G to 1,5G.

> Liz Dunbar
> Webmaster, Academic Coordinator of Technology, Ad Hoc System Administrator
> Baltimore City College ... Baltimore MD USA  ...
> http://knight.city.ba.k12.md.us
>    And this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a </html>
Regards Richard

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