There are many reasons to break up a Linux install into several partitions.
For a one-user system with what is, these days, a small hard disk, they
aren't all that compelling. In your situation I would use a single partition
for the entire filesystem, as you have set it up.

Two qualifications to that ...

First, you haven't mentioned either (a) any provision for a swap partition
or (b) how much RAM your system has. You may want to add swap space -- some
distributions will insist on your providing it.

Second, Linux has to boot from a partition located in the first 1024 tracks
of the hard disk, as seen from the perspective of the system BIOS. Your hard
disk may need some partition rearranging to accomplish that -- this is the
reason for having a separate "boot" partition. But it's not just a matter of
that partition being separate -- it has to be near the "beginning" of the
hard disk.

In the end, you *may* want to repartition as follows:

        hda1    boot                    (50 mB)
        hda2    Windows                 (1000 mB)
        hda3    Linux root filesystem   (rest of disk)
        hda4    Linux swap              (64 mB)

At 09:53 AM 1/26/00 -0600, Dan wrote:
>I am new to linux. I am wanting to know how I should split up my hard
>drive as far as / , /boot , /usr ,etc. Overall my laptop has a 2gig
>drive but i am wanting to keep windoz (for windoz apps) on half. I have
>already used partition magic to create a linux native partition of 1
>gig. I have not decided which dist of linux i am going to install, i
>have both RH 6.1 and Caldera 2.3. Any help is appreciated.
------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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