Thanks to all of you who have replied to my previous posts but I'm not
quite there yet.

Boot Manager starts OS/2 just fine but won't start LILO. I can boot from
installation CD. Booting from the CD brings up the KDE interface, and
Linux sees the hard disk just fine after that. When selecting Linux Bt
(which points to /dev/hda7) on the Boot Manager menu, I get an error
message saying "Selected partition is not formatted, hit any key".

After an abortive attempt to use Corel Linux, I have totally
repartitioned my hard drive and reinstalled OS/2 Warp 4 and attempted to
install Caldrea OpenLinux 2.3, however, I can't boot Linux. I based my
installation loosely on the "Linux-DOS-Win95-OS2" mini-HOWTO by Mike
Harlan. I have a 17 gig IDE HDD configured as a 16.4 gig drive. I used
OS/2's fdisk to do all the partitioning, and used installation disks
modified with IDEDASD program for
large drives (downloaded from IBM). History and some details follow:

My OS/2 FDISK screen looks like the table below; the last column is how
I understand how linux maps the partitions:

 Name                Status             Access               FS
Type                         MBytes
 DOS                 Bootable        C: Primary
FAT                               2000             /dev/hda1
                          Startable           : Primary           BOOT
MANAGER             7             /dev/hda2
                          None             D: Logical
FAT                               2000             /dev/hda5
 OS/2                 Bootable        E: Logical
HPFS                               604             /dev/hda6
 Linux Bt            Bootable           :Logical             Type
83                           102              /dev/hda7
                          None              F:Logical
HPFS                            5404              /dev/hda8
 Linux                 Bootable           :Logical            Type
83                          6102              /dev/hda9
                          None                :Pri/Log
FreeSpace                         219

My intent was to put LILO in the Linux Bt partition (/dev/hda7) and I
believe this is what I did, although I'm not sure..  This
partition and the OS/2 partition (/dev/hda6) are below the 1024 cylinder
boundary. I thought LILO had to be in the / partition, however when I
specified /dev/hda7 for / Caldera tried to put the entire Linux OS in
that partition which is obviously too small. Instead I put / in the
other type 83 partition, /dev/hda9,which is above the 1024 boundary.

When booting from CD at the boot: prompt I tried passing root=/dev/hda7
and root=/dev/hda9 and get an error message "Could not find kernel
image: root=/dev/hda.7". Also tried just typing /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda9
on separate boot attempts and got a similar error message.

Does / have to be below the 1024 cylinder boundary? Can I move LILO to
the smaller Type 83 partition? How?

I also tried installing System Commander. It would boot DOS and OS/2 but
not COL 2.3.

My /etc/lilo.conf file looks like the following:

# /etc/lilo.conf  -  generated by Lizard

# target

boot = /dev/hda7
install = /boot/boot.b


delay = 50
timeout = 50
message = /boot/message

default = linux

Once booted from cd it appears that Linux does not see /dev/hda7 or any
other partition but  /dev/hda9
Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

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