Ye 2000-06-15 16:22 +0900, Antony Stace skribis:

> How can I get a 2up and 4up type printing program I can use from the
> command line.  Currently printing works fine,  all I need is some nice
> utility to turn a normal text file into a postscript file(?) which has
> two pages on every physical page.

Arguably, linux-newbie and linux-config are not the best places to
send such a question.  The experts on prepress imposition are

You don't say how you are generating the postscript.  AFAIK
PostScript does not have native support for imposition
schemes.  Your front end will need to do this.

The printing program that you can use from the command line is
called 'gs'.  What it does, whether it gives you your two-up
master or not, depends on the content of the postscript file.

If you want to generate EPS and write a little PostScript, it
shouldn't be difficult to print two pages side by side.  There are
examples in the PostScript manual of inclusion of EPS pages in a
new bounding box that could encompass two of them.  You just need
a translate to move the second so that it starts where you want it
to start.  A half-page perl or tcl script that takes two
parameters, the file names of the two pages, is all you should

Hike esas du o tri bokali per qui ni facos kelka experimenti, e me
montros a vi la maxim bona moyeno por facar ica experimenti. Me ne
timas montrar to a vi, pro ke me deziras ke vi facez experimenti,
se vu nur facos oli kun sorgo ed atenco, e la asento di li cirkum

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