I Have two problems here,
1). Right now I am on RH 6.1, and I want to upgrade to the newer version
that is 6.2. Is there a way that I will not have to delete the current whole
setup of my linux box and just upgrade to the newer version? And if there
is, what does that upgrade do? does it upgrade all of my packages too?
I was also wondering if I am on RH right now, and I want to move to
Slackware then I will have to reinstall everything? or if I want to move to
manderake (which I think, I am not sure has the same file system as RH) I
will have to resinatll everythign again?
2). The second problem is that my friend installed RH and the partition
containing the /boot was after the 1024 cylinders in the HDD, so now lilo
wont install. Then he tried to first install linux and then windows. But
when Linux was installed first, it some how took over the whole HDD and the
extra space that was left for windows was taken as Extended partition by
linux.Is there a way to somehow boot linux even if the kernel resides in
more then 1024 cylinder? then this whole problem wil be solved. I heard this
is a problem with lilo too, but if I use any other boot loader then lilo,
then I might boot, please help me so that i can fix up his machine.
Thank You
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