I was reading some my Linux references, and came upon the following statement:
     /sbin/hdparm -c -d1 dev/hda10
Obviously this turns on the 32-bit access and DMA for hda10.  I know my hardware
is capable of this.
The article also stated that this can be put in /etc /rc.d/rc.sysinit, so that
it takes effect on every boot.
I looked at the above file for the first time.  as little as I understand about
Linux, I can still tell that this file does a lot things.
My question: Is there a preferred place to insert this statement, i.e.
beginning, end, middle?
Any other pitfalls to look out for?

Thanks for all suggestions.


I use RH6.2 + Helix Gnome + the latest enlightenment on a stand alone PC

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