First, the 24 vs 32 meg issue:

This is only a wild guess, but does your mobo perhaps have onboard video?
Some mobos (not all) with onboard video use "shared" memory for video, which
means that the video card uses a portion of the memory that would normally
be available to the system. On the one such mobo I have, video grabs 8 mb --
eithe an interesting coincidence or, possibly, the reason for your missing

Only a guess, though. In any case, since (you say) it happens with Windows
as well as with Linux, it surely is some sort of BIOS-level phenomenon, not
a Linux problem as such.

On the partition issue: first. hda2 is "eating" 1K, not 1M, of space by your
report. (If this report were in megabytes, your hdd would be a 10-terabyte
drive, a size even I would find daunting.) 

Second, it is surely an extended partition, sort of a "wrapper" that in turn
holds the partition table for hda5 and hda6. IDE drives can have only 4
"real" partitions. They can be 4 primary partitions or 3 primary and 1
extended partition. In the second case, the extended can hold any number (or
at least some large number) of additional "logical" partitions.

Look at the drive a bit more carefully  with fdisk or cfdisk and you will
probably see this relationship.

At 07:06 PM 8/3/00 +0530, Madan A S wrote:
> [root@Madan]$cat /proc/meminfo
>   total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
>Mem:  22892544 22360064   532480 13049856   618496 13893632
>Swap: 73986048  2600960 71385088
>MemTotal:     22356 kB
>MemFree:        520 kB
>MemShared:    12744 kB
>Buffers:        604 kB
>Cached:       13568 kB
>BigTotal:         0 kB
>BigFree:          0 kB
>SwapTotal:    72252 kB
>SwapFree:     69712 kB
>This the output of cat /proc/memento in my Linux system
>The imp point over here is that Mem:22892544
>but when I boot the initial memcheck counts untill 32768K
>which is a difference of 12MB , The same happens in my windows
>also which says my ram is 24MB
>Thus my system utilizes only 24 of 32MB available
>Physical check reveals it is indeed 4chips of 8MB in SIM
>Can anyone suggest what is wrong ? and what is the remedy ?
>[root@Madan]$cat /proc/partitions
>major minor  #blocks  name
>   3     0    6298425 hda
>   3     1    4024251 hda1
>   3     2          1 hda2
>   3     3     128520 hda3
>   3     4    1646662 hda4
>   3     5     425691 hda5
>   3     6      72261 hda6
>  22    64 1073741823 hdd
>    I think you have recognised my problem , i can't eliminate hda2 which is
>just eating 1Mb of space
>partition magic and fdisk doesn't display its existance
>Do you have any idea !!!

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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