Richard Adams wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Aug 2000,  Karthik Vishwanath wrote about,  shutdown - options.:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I know that on a redhat system a normal user is allowed to shutdown the
> > machine by supplying his own passwd. Is there anyway in which I can
> > modify something so that any user (including if the person is su'd in as
> > root) is prompted to enter the root passwd before a shutdown can be
> > performed. The reason why I specify a scenario within the parentheses
> > above is to include the case if a user finds root window by accident.
> My knowlage is that no one other than root is allowed to shutdown a linux
> system, "unless" he has pyhiscal access to the keyboard and does
> ctrl-alt-delete and that will only work if root leave's
> ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t5 -rf now
> uncommented in /etc/inittab.

The similar problem I have found under Gnome GUI of RedHat6.1. Everybody
could click on 'footprint' icon, then on 'Log out' , then on question
Really Log out say Yes, after that one is asked for an user's password,
if (suppose) doesn't know a password the answer is No, then one is back
to login windows where there is no problem to ask for a Halt or Reboot
(without any password). Any cure?


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