> JFFS2 supports only read-only mmap.  If that is a problem, you could try

Now when mounting rootfs as yaffs2, the servicemanager dies/exits
almost immediately on android startup, and logcat output is shown
below.  However, when mounting same rootfs via NFS, I don't see this
problem (though I do have other issues).  Does the error

E/dalvikvm-gc(  483): Could not create 176128-byte ashmem mark stack

indicate a specific problem?  Might there be a way to dump more
specific/verbose output at startup to get a better understanding of
what's wrong?


I/DEBUG   (  481): debuggerd: Aug 14 2008 18:58:32
E/mountd  (  480): could not read initial mass storage state
D/AndroidRuntime(  483):
D/AndroidRuntime(  483): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime(  483): CheckJNI is ON
D/AndroidRuntime(  483): --- registering native functions ---
I/Zygote  (  483): Preloading classes...
E/dalvikvm-gc(  483): Could not create 176128-byte ashmem mark stack
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