I am using your dss2 driver downloaded from your git server and tried
to rotate an image(RGB24U and YUV2 format) using OMAPFB_ROT_DMA
but I can't see rotated image on screen. I added variables for
rotating like below. as the result, LCD Panel is stoped.


and then I tried again using OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB command like below.


In this case, I can see rotated image(only RGB24U format) on screen.
You asid "Rotation and mirroring currently only supports RGB565 and
RGB8888 modes. VRFB does not support mirroring" through
/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS file.

Doesn't your dss2 driver support DMA rotation?
I am trying to add rotation feature for YUV2 image using VRFB to your
dss2 driver.

for this, I think that it have to change rot and mirror become 0 if
rotation_type is OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB to be rot=ofbi->rotation and mirror =
ofbi->mirror (in omapfb-main.c file) and
add codes for calculating offset0, offset1, pixel increment and row
increment value for YUV2 format also pixel size becomes 4 in YUV2 case
(in dispc.c fild).
omap_vrfb_setup function must be modifed also (in vrfb.c file)?

Do you have any idea?
I need your help and advice.

Thank you.
- InKi-
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