> What do you think about disabling the level/edge detection when
> disable_irq_wake() is called instead?  This seems more logical
> and expected.
Kevin, if we look at the current code, enable_irq_wake and
Does not even touch any GPIO WAKEEN register, it seems it is intended
To just log the gpio bit and enable its WAKEUP and IOPAD wakeup
when suspend happens. And also, enable_irq_wake/disable_irq_wake
Are designed to be able used when both IRQ is enabled AND disabled,
In another words, enable_irq_wake may be called after irq_disable,
Disable_irq_wake may be called after irq_enable, if we change
Level/edge detect then it may cause either IRQ never happen
After irq_enable, or IRQ staus bit also set after irq_disable. Since
The root reason is the level/edge detect can cause IRQ status, it
Is related with IRQ, not wakeup.

What do you think?
> Kevin
> P.S., are you wanting to use your touchscreen as a wakeup source?
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