On Sunday 05 July 2009, Hemanth V wrote:
> Do you see any major changes required to support
> slave mode in the SPI core driver.

There *is* no such thing as a "SPI core driver"...

> We are able to 
> use the existing interface for slave mode also, but
> some APIs/ Structures could be made generic.

Three things are obvious:

 - A spi_master is not a slave side driver!

 - Control model would need to be inverted
    * Chip select would be one input,
      not N outputs
    * No clock rate controls at all
    * latency issues ... driver can't necessarily
      respond quickly enough to guarantee no data
      loss (FIFOs help)
    * Can't re-use /dev/spidev*
    * Request queue would have a very different role

 - Some primitives are likely missing, for flow
   control (when hardware has a READY handshake)

I think a few proposals for how to handle slave
side have been circulated.

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